Monday, July 18, 2005

All Hail The King Of Ebonia

How can the people responsible for educating our next generation of Americans be so completely stupid? Check out this article from the San Bernadino Sun about the decision to start incorporating Ebonics into the curriculum. Mary Texeira, a sociology professor at Cal State San Bernardino continues to advance the idiotic notion that Ebonics is not slang, but in fact is a separate language. Forget for a moment the completely ridiculous statement and accept it as true. It's long been determined that immersion in English is more effective as a teaching tool than attempting to teach in a student's native language. Back to the point however, these are not African students uprooted and forced to learn a new language; these are Americans who have always been surrounded by English.

Teachers: TEACH! Don't make excuses, find a way to get through to these kids or let them see the consequences of their actions. By creating a crutch for them to use to get through school, the standards of everyone are lowered. It's not fair to the ones who really want to learn.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

It Came From Africa (A Brainless Wanna-Be Intellectual)

I've been pretty slammed lately and haven't been able to do any postings. There's a lot going on though, especially with this genius and his CIA wife. Their earth-shattering revelations about Bush's allegations that Sadam was trying to secure uranium from Africa appears to be "somewhat" suspect. It seems that the couple must not have received the memo letting them know that they're not actually the center of the intellegence community and that President Bush does in fact have several other sources who were actually requested to look into this matter. I'm too disgusted to elaborate any further. Ann Coulter covers more of the details with her usual charm.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dick On Gitmo

More ridiculous rhetoric on Gitmo from Dick Durbin. Check out more from Hugh Hewitt. How soft America has become that someone can actually attempt to compare Nazis, Soviet gulags and Pol Pot to our current situation in Gitmo. Check out the AP story at The Washington Post and some great info over at Michelle Malkin. To get a good perspective on the comparison and how ridiculous it really is, check out Powerline's excerpt from Rowan Scarborough in the Washington Times.

One School Of Thought, Or Not

More anti-religious sentiment at our colleges; this time Martin Kaplan from USC. Several good links from Glen Reynolds at Instapundit. I can't say I'm surprised; if Colorado has Ward Churchill, then it's only fitting that California has Martin Kaplan.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Blogger Gestapo

Imagine this if you will, another huge arm of the government solely responsible for sifting through the net looking for rogue bloggers who recklessly express their political views with total disregard for the havoc they wreak. Sound far fetched? It could just happen. Instapundit links to a pretty bleak picture. Let's stop this ball before it gets rolling.

Jacko Wins, We Lose Again

They say that you can't buy happiness, but you can certainly buy justice in California. You don't believe me? Just ask O.J. or Michael Jackson.

What's really disturbing to me is the people who support Michael. You don't see any of them saying that he's innocent but we know he needs help. You don't see them saying that he has a problem with how he behaves with children and wth his self image but the charges are false. Instead, you hear "We love you Michael", a million different ways. The adoration and celebrity worship is what caused this whole mess. Take any non-celebrity who admits to sleeping with children, scratch that, only boys, and see how many parents would be so eager to let them stay the night.

Michael Jackson was found not guilty, but you'll never convince me he was innocent. If I had a son, I'd feel no safer letting him stay at Neverland than letting Cardinal Bernard Law provide a babysitter.

I have no hope that this verdict will end Michael Jackson's strange antics with children. This may even make his more brazen in his acts. He's gotten away with this for years and now he's taken on the law in a trial and come away completely unscathed. He's surrounded by people who tell him how wonderful he is and enable his sickening behavior. Even still, some shameful parents will be next in line to whore out their children for a chance to make a buck or hang out with a celebrity.

Don't Call Me Al

Al Franken made me laugh. Okay, he didn't make me laugh, but word of his embarrassing rant at the Freedom of Speech Award ceremony certainly did. I won't lie, the guy makes my blood boil. He's such a smug, little troll. He hides behind "comedy" but he's just an angry, sore loser. Anyway, please judge for yourself. Hope you'll get as good a laugh out of this as I did. Check out the goods from The Radio Equalizer. Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the link.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Donkey Dean

I just have to mention something about this hilarious column by Larry Elders on Howard Dean. Seems to me that Mr. Dean has some serious issues going on. His loose lips seem to get him in trouble every time he speaks but what's more interesting is that there may be some heavy familial pressures at the root of Dean's follies. It may be enough to almost make me feel bad for the guy... Sorry, I couldn't even write that with a straight face.

Unreal Insult Part 2

Mums the word from the left wing bloggers when Democrats use inflammatory hyperbole to further their message like Charlie Rangel did with his comparison of the Iraq conflict and Hitler's genocide. But conservative bloggers at least seem to have had a more balanced coverage of similar statements, like those made by Rick Santorum calling the entire Democratic party Nazis. That's the point made by McQ here.

Sure, Just Let Em Go

We're just a bunch of thugs aren't we? I'm sure all those people detained at Guantanamo Bay prison are just victims of circumstance; they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's certainly what Arianna Huffington wanted Bill O'Reilly to believe. The Political Teen covers the unbelievably naive argument that you have to see to believe. More on the story from In The Bullpen including the 12 prisoners who were released from Gitmo and were killed or captured. The Washington Post details ten of those twelve in what I call the "duh!" item of the day.

Terrorist Xbox Forum

This is a little scary but who could be surprised; Michelle Malkin links to an article from In The Bullpen detailing an Xbox forum which actually appears to be some type forum for Al Quaida. It's a thinly veiled disguise and reafirms the need to stay proactive in our terrorist hunt.

More On Ground Zero

The story of the the 9/11 Memorials bastardization is getting more coverage. The weak defense of the plan and more thoughts can be found over at Astonished Head.

Too Close To Home Part 2

The investigation of al-Qaeda terrorists in the Sacramento area continues to grow. Powerline has more information about this ongoing threat here on the left coast.

Just Make Them Like Us

Last one for tonight; Powerline rails against Nancy Pelosi and her comments about "America's need for a clean slate in the Muslim world". It scares me to think that many of her fellow Democrats just may feel the same way.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Another Unreal Insult

9/11 should definitely be a reminder to the pain and ultimate price our innocent men, women and children paid at the hands of real religous extremists. I would have no words to accurately describe my grief and sorrow were current plans to politicize Ground Zero by numerous members of various Anti-American organizations, to take place. I can only hope the picture that Debra Burlingame paints, is somehow stopped before it destroys the spirit of patriotism in the very place that our country's unity was born from. More from Jeff Jarvis.

Unreal Insult

If I was a Jew, I'd be one seriously pissed of Jew right now. I literally cannot believe the gall of Top House Democrat Charles Rangel to compare Bush invading Iraq to the "the Holocaust." Check out the latest from Chrenkoff. This to me, is sickening. Have we sunk so low as to compare the gassing of innocent Jews with a military operation in Iraq which removed a mass murderer? Regardless of whether or not you feel the reasons for going to war with Iraq were justified, many, many positive benefits were gained from it. Pray tell what good came of Hitler's murderous genocide. Shame on you Charles Rangel.

Judges, Judges, Judges

I will always believe that the nuclear option was the way to go; even still, it's good to see yet another black female thrust into a position of grave national importance via the party of what Howard Dean calls the "...white Christians". Hugh Hewitt offers his thoughts here. Is there anyone still out there who believes that only the Democrats represent minorities? Not many things get me as upset as when the Republican party gets accused of catering to only rich, white men. Hmmm, I guess the Democrats are represented by those great working class saints like Ted Kennedy, George Soros and Diane Feinstein. Regardless, I'd say this is a day worthy of celebration.

Hitting Close To Home In California

Of course it was only a matter of time before terrorists poked up their ugly heads in my home state of California. Luckily the FBI was doing it's job and nabbed to would-be killers. Check out the story on Newsmax.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Falty Fox

Don't think Fox News is infallible. The urge to jump on the "Gulag" band wagon was too hard for FNC contributor Ceci Connolly to resist. Another great article from Michelle Malkin.

Great Border Patrol

So if you can be detained for trying to bring a pair of nail clippers or a lighter on a plane, how come someone carrying a bloody chainsaw can waltz in through the U.S. / Canadian border without a hitch? Instapundit linked to this article from the Washington Post. I swear I don't know what country we live in anymore. Why don't we just put up signs at the borders that say, "Come in, make yourself at home and kill us."

Kerry's Heroism

Think we forgot about Kerry's shaky military records? I don't think so. Thanks to Hugh Hewitt for pointing out these great follow ups by Tom Maguire and Michelle Malkin. I'll keep watching this story. We may have won the Presidency but Kerry is still around acting up in the Senate and we need to keep him in check. Thanks to all for keeping the investigation going. More from Instapundit with a good article from Mikey Kaus. Kerry probably thought this would go away after he lost the election but he was wrong. Check out more from Glenn Reynolds.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Good News From Iraq

With all the news of car-bombings, death and destruction in Iraq coming from the major news outlets, it's nice to hear some positive things from Michael Yon. Let's hope it continues.

Real problems in Africa

The left loves to demonize the current administration as if they are evil in carnate. Sometimes you have to remind yourself what real evil is. It's tough to take America for granted when you see how bad things are in Sudan.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Business In Hollywood

Funny, the movie studios are a great example of successful big business, yet Hollywood loves to demonize big business and capitalism as if they weren't a part of it. Check out this great article from Beacon Hill on Hollywood's long held views on the capitalist system.


I used to be a skate punk back in the late eighties. I thought the angry, political music was cool back then. As I got older I saw that punk rock was sung by a bunch of well, "punks". Looks, like the punks are still angry. Powerline seems to have irked Sid Vicious. He's still angry, but fortunately for him, he doesn't need actual historical facts to get him upset. Good for you Powerline.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Sleeping with the enemy

Okay, so the big thing on my mind right now is American's tiptoeing around the Islamic religion in general. I just don't understand how we got in this position; don't doubt for a minute that we're in a bad place though. Forget that some of the actions the state dept. is taking to help combat the problem such as this ridiculous and ineffectual article in Hi magazine is misguided, misleading and hopelessly futile. A bigger question is why we care what they think at all.

Even a basic knowledge of the Muslim faith should be enough to persuade most people that America cannot continue to try to reason with terrorists, Muslim extremists or even mainstream Muslims. One example is the recent outrage in Saudi Arabia at the mere suggestion by a member of parliament that women be allowed to drive. Maybe the rest of the world can start treating Muslims with more respect when they start treating their own women as equals. Until then, they should be treated exactly as we'd treat anyone else with the same type of backward, out of touch views, with disdain and caution.


Since this is my very first blog, I'll take just a second and introduce myself. My name is Todd Mouser, I'm a 31 year old married father. I live in North Hollywood California and work for Ascent Media as a Post Production Supervisor. My work in the entertainment industry keeps me surrounded by many radical left-wing Democrats. I've formed a powerful bond with the few Republicans I've met here in Los Angeles and at my work. I've become more and more interested in politics as I've grown older and hope to continue becoming more involved in the future. I'm starting law school in the next few months and hope the experience will add to my enjoyment and possible involvement in local, regional and possibly national politics. I hope to share what I find interesting, important and sometimes infuriating on this blog. If anyone ever does read my blog I can only hope that it provides some eye-opening information.