Blogger Gestapo
Imagine this if you will, another huge arm of the government solely responsible for sifting through the net looking for rogue bloggers who recklessly express their political views with total disregard for the havoc they wreak. Sound far fetched? It could just happen. Instapundit links to a pretty bleak picture. Let's stop this ball before it gets rolling.
Well you see the thing is this, you just can't let the Republicans say and believe anything they want. I mean do you let your 5 year old child curse and do whatever he or she wants....? Same thing here. Now if the republicans made or had even half the sense that even the dumbest Democrat has, well we might give some leeway. It's for your own good. If we allow the average republican think for him or herself, we would be condoning self destruction. We just can't have that now can we?
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