Saturday, June 04, 2005

Sleeping with the enemy

Okay, so the big thing on my mind right now is American's tiptoeing around the Islamic religion in general. I just don't understand how we got in this position; don't doubt for a minute that we're in a bad place though. Forget that some of the actions the state dept. is taking to help combat the problem such as this ridiculous and ineffectual article in Hi magazine is misguided, misleading and hopelessly futile. A bigger question is why we care what they think at all.

Even a basic knowledge of the Muslim faith should be enough to persuade most people that America cannot continue to try to reason with terrorists, Muslim extremists or even mainstream Muslims. One example is the recent outrage in Saudi Arabia at the mere suggestion by a member of parliament that women be allowed to drive. Maybe the rest of the world can start treating Muslims with more respect when they start treating their own women as equals. Until then, they should be treated exactly as we'd treat anyone else with the same type of backward, out of touch views, with disdain and caution.


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