Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dick On Gitmo

More ridiculous rhetoric on Gitmo from Dick Durbin. Check out more from Hugh Hewitt. How soft America has become that someone can actually attempt to compare Nazis, Soviet gulags and Pol Pot to our current situation in Gitmo. Check out the AP story at The Washington Post and some great info over at Michelle Malkin. To get a good perspective on the comparison and how ridiculous it really is, check out Powerline's excerpt from Rowan Scarborough in the Washington Times.

One School Of Thought, Or Not

More anti-religious sentiment at our colleges; this time Martin Kaplan from USC. Several good links from Glen Reynolds at Instapundit. I can't say I'm surprised; if Colorado has Ward Churchill, then it's only fitting that California has Martin Kaplan.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Blogger Gestapo

Imagine this if you will, another huge arm of the government solely responsible for sifting through the net looking for rogue bloggers who recklessly express their political views with total disregard for the havoc they wreak. Sound far fetched? It could just happen. Instapundit links to a pretty bleak picture. Let's stop this ball before it gets rolling.

Jacko Wins, We Lose Again

They say that you can't buy happiness, but you can certainly buy justice in California. You don't believe me? Just ask O.J. or Michael Jackson.

What's really disturbing to me is the people who support Michael. You don't see any of them saying that he's innocent but we know he needs help. You don't see them saying that he has a problem with how he behaves with children and wth his self image but the charges are false. Instead, you hear "We love you Michael", a million different ways. The adoration and celebrity worship is what caused this whole mess. Take any non-celebrity who admits to sleeping with children, scratch that, only boys, and see how many parents would be so eager to let them stay the night.

Michael Jackson was found not guilty, but you'll never convince me he was innocent. If I had a son, I'd feel no safer letting him stay at Neverland than letting Cardinal Bernard Law provide a babysitter.

I have no hope that this verdict will end Michael Jackson's strange antics with children. This may even make his more brazen in his acts. He's gotten away with this for years and now he's taken on the law in a trial and come away completely unscathed. He's surrounded by people who tell him how wonderful he is and enable his sickening behavior. Even still, some shameful parents will be next in line to whore out their children for a chance to make a buck or hang out with a celebrity.

Don't Call Me Al

Al Franken made me laugh. Okay, he didn't make me laugh, but word of his embarrassing rant at the Freedom of Speech Award ceremony certainly did. I won't lie, the guy makes my blood boil. He's such a smug, little troll. He hides behind "comedy" but he's just an angry, sore loser. Anyway, please judge for yourself. Hope you'll get as good a laugh out of this as I did. Check out the goods from The Radio Equalizer. Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the link.